Wednesday, February 21, 2007

sorry picture's kinda a mess. relying on my uni's internet now [which is fantastic; open 24/7; great speed; $80 quota!!!]
just wanted to share with you guys a couple of them and hopefully will get them all sorted out when my internet's done.
p.s: adelaide's been great so far. started classes yeaterday. the only thing that's got us depressed are the PBL sessions and hospital placements. finding/buying formal attire's kinda a pain in the ***... normally, i love shopping, but try looking for formal shoes below $30, formal tops below $30 and formal bottoms below $50!!!
pps: yi wen reckons they should start paying up during placements considering how much we've already forked out so far...
botanical garden
@ the place where we dragged yi wen to early in the morning :P

winter sonata scene: take 2
housemates hanging out by torrens river~

feeding our day-old bread to the black swans and slightly terrifying gulls

walking into the sunset

any & poh lee

i've always wanted to know how i look from the back

a typical meal in tobin house
what i discovered: beer and groundnuts DO go well together

a splendid feasts made by our resident chef @ any lee

waiting like pigs for our food to be ready

how i spent my CNY

'cho dai di' noob~

standing with the almighty

poh lee seems to love to capture my 'lovely' moments


meet my new pet

picture perfect

meet my new apprentice

my mcdreamy

victor harbour

mclaren vale @ land of the booze

yes... pictures finally! as u all know, my parents came along with me to adelaide for about a week. it was great travelling with my dad as he's the kind of guy who does him homework.. making sure we only visit the BEST places :)
not going to ramble as usual, gonna just leave u guys w
ith the pictures.
ps: brace yourselves, am uploading the next batch of pictures now :)

recreation of the 'winter sonata' moment :P

the 'whispering wall' @ a dam
dad bought a bottle of this paticular wine

a sign of more to come

the scenic view over the whispering wall
with rebecca, the 1/4 owner of a family owned wineyard

a 'puppy' golden retriever [seriously, it's only 3 months old]

an old lodge
a picturesque day at maggie beers

more grapes

this should qualify as a Nissan X-Trail ad

the mount lofty summit

the view of almost the whole of adelaide city

yup, the sky's really the limit!

mum's favourite... reckon she must have had about 60 on her own!

at the jam pack exhibition

dad says there's a uncanny resemblance :P

pps: dad loved adelaide so much and reckons they'll be back. haha, that's good news for me :P