Wednesday, February 21, 2007

sorry picture's kinda a mess. relying on my uni's internet now [which is fantastic; open 24/7; great speed; $80 quota!!!]
just wanted to share with you guys a couple of them and hopefully will get them all sorted out when my internet's done.
p.s: adelaide's been great so far. started classes yeaterday. the only thing that's got us depressed are the PBL sessions and hospital placements. finding/buying formal attire's kinda a pain in the ***... normally, i love shopping, but try looking for formal shoes below $30, formal tops below $30 and formal bottoms below $50!!!
pps: yi wen reckons they should start paying up during placements considering how much we've already forked out so far...
botanical garden
@ the place where we dragged yi wen to early in the morning :P

winter sonata scene: take 2
housemates hanging out by torrens river~

feeding our day-old bread to the black swans and slightly terrifying gulls

walking into the sunset

any & poh lee

i've always wanted to know how i look from the back

a typical meal in tobin house
what i discovered: beer and groundnuts DO go well together

a splendid feasts made by our resident chef @ any lee

waiting like pigs for our food to be ready

how i spent my CNY

'cho dai di' noob~

standing with the almighty

poh lee seems to love to capture my 'lovely' moments


meet my new pet

picture perfect

meet my new apprentice

my mcdreamy

victor harbour

mclaren vale @ land of the booze


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