Wednesday, March 22, 2006

bLah bLah bLah

now i'm beginning to understand what the hype this blog thing is about. it certainly seems to be somewhat addictive.

i've got a quiz for you:

q: what turns an all time high into a high time low in just seconds?

a: a pharm chem 'quiz'

real life example: last year, for pharmaceutics calculations i had 9/10 and there i was on cloud 9 [it even felt like the moon] but guess what?? i score 9/50 for my chemistry 101... unbelievable? believe it.
fast foward half a year later: for physio i had a 10/10. but as usual, something has to spoil it... i scored 22.5/50 for pharm chem!!!! sigh... guess history does repeat itself~

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