Thursday, October 19, 2006

*yes.... i think god is trying to tell me something. why else would i be assigned with pessaries for the second time???!!! and to counsel MR. TAY again???!!!

*as if lar once not enough [read my last patient-counselling post]... this time i get to explain menstruation, pregnancy, pads, tampons, sexual intercourse, the vagina and the whole works.

*and nope, i was still as nervous as before despite many assurances that since this is the second time around, i should have it down pat.

what a wonderful family~~

*i'm so tempted to type out the whole counselling session... but nah, i shall not bore you all...

**p.s: i don't think i will ever ask my husband [when i have one lar] to pick up any female-related medications for me in the future. would you? just a thought :)

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