Tuesday, August 29, 2006

why is it my fault?!

there are somethings that will forever remain a mystery to me. right at this moment, all i feel like doing is just continue crying and shout at the top of my lungs "it's not my fault!!!"

for those of you who know me well enough, you'd might have already guess who's the person who's acusing me. my stepmum.

just on saturday, when i was in the car with leo, i told her that i'm so happy that my mum and i getting along quite well. believe me, it's a huge step for me to be able to say that. it's true, for a while there, i was kinda worried because usually thing aren't so sunny and clear. i'd be pissed off at her over some matter and she'll be pissed off at me over something else.

but man... was i wrong. i'm just using my blog as an outlet for blowing off steam. chances are, the next time you see me, i'd be back to my normal, cheerful, crazy self.

ps: was actually halfway typing out the incidence but leo called, decided that not everyone needs to hear the sordid details... thx leo, i owe u one.

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