Saturday, May 13, 2006

An example of an asshole: [stolen from leo's blog]

It happens again~!!!
You want to know what the hell I found out yesterday? AARON HAS A GIRLFRIEND~!!! And if it is not bad enough, FOR A FEW MONTHS ALREADY~!!! I try not to let it bother me because I was kind of going to spend the whole day with him. Well.. I did keep my composure during the day time because he did not act like he has a girlfriend at all.

on the way home though, i ask one of my close friends when did he and his girlfriend got together, she told me a few months already, i so damn bloody chuak sai ok... so sedih... see, i'm not imagining it~!!! he really does not tell me a bout his girlfriends at all... only after he breaks up, long long time later only he will tell, 'oh this girl is my ex, that girl is my ex' like that... if not then i will find out from other people's mouth. what the heck~!!!

the whole day yesterday he really can act like he dun have girlfriend, ok. can share all kinds of dirty jokes lar... can tease lar... can ask for massages lar... why must i always be the last one to know of his girlfriend?

then the girl is also one of my camp's participants that is very friendly to me. where i want to put my face? then ar... somemore, when friends tease about the both of us right, he won't memberontak or get angry lor... can join in and add on macam encouraging like that~!!! then? what is that suppose to mean? i tak faham lar~!!!

*edited for privacy

this is not the first time this is happening. the question is: why?

guys like this make girls feel like crap! the thing to do, is to be HONEST.

i told leo that there maybe 2 reasons y he doesn't tell her. but they are both contradictive to each other

1) he knows leo likes him but he doesn't like her back, therefore dun want to hurt her

this leads to:
2) then all the more he should tell rite? so she doesn't keep going after him!

so, pls guys that are reading this [or girls with similar situations] respond and maybe we can solve this 'mystery' on y some guys are such assholes.

leo, cheer up.. he's not worth it.

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