Friday, May 26, 2006

I find it somehow therapeutic to post pictures.. especially when i'm stressed out.. haha, or when i'm bored :P

people [or animals] i really miss:


me dear baby max

thank god i'm meeting my dad on sunday
[ahh~ the good old days :P]
p.s: if you don't know what this pose signifies, go watch some old chinese movies

this month, two of my closest friends began a new chapter of their lives. both graduated from Form 6 and moved on to uni.

yeah... i really miss them! *sob*

finals are starting from the 5th to 14th of june. see everyone hard at work

group discussions are a way to go [but doesn't really work for me cos i tend to chat]

individual study groups are much better [unless my camera's with me]

spending 4-5 hours in the library can really drive a person up the wall. trust me

my life's kinda a mess at the moment.. and so is my study table. can't wait for all this to end

did i mention that i haven't left the vicinity of klang parade and sri pelangi in 3 weeks?! it's not surprising then that my window grills started to look like prison bars instead. but that's all going to change on sunday! dad's coming up, prob gonna end up in 1 utama or ikea. got some shopping to do [need to buy gifts for my aunt when i visit her] i feel so guilty that i'm going out when it's so close to my finals.. but i think if i dun get out of here for at least a few hours, i'm going to start pulling my hair out. seriously.

p.s: all this typing has made me hungry. feast your eyes on this while i raid the fridge. tata :)

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